H+H Cancels Vivaldi The Four Seasons

Dear Friends and Supporters of H+H,

It is with great regret that I’m writing to tell you that we are canceling Handel and Haydn Society’s May 1 + 3 performances of Vivaldi The Four Seasons in accordance with CDC guidelines to stem the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. We will reschedule this performance for a future season.

Additionally, we regret to say that our Society Ball Gala, scheduled for May 2, will be postponed. More information on this event will follow in the near future.

If you have purchased a ticket to The Four Seasons, we ask if you might consider donating it – these funds will help us compensate our musicians for this cancellation, and cover other performance costs that have been incurred. We will be happy to send you a tax receipt letter.

If a donation is not your preference, please contact our box office for a ticket refund. To donate your tickets or request a refund, please email boxoffice@handelandhaydn.org or call 617.266.3605, Monday – Friday, 9 AM – 5 PM.

We are not able to offer ticket exchanges into next season for this concert cancellation, per guidelines by our auditors.

We appreciate your patience as we respond to our many supporters who have purchased tickets to this performance.

We will continue to keep you updated on our ongoing decisions for H+H concerts, events, and education programs.

Thank you for your support of H+H.

Best wishes for good health,

David Snead
President and CEO