Musically Speaking Concert Preview

A Livestream on The Glories of Bach

Tuesday, October 4, 2022
8:00 - 8:30 PM ET

During this Concert Preview, learn about the music from our performance of J.S. Bach and Buxtehude. Emily Marvosh hosts this preview, with a focus on the richness of Bach’s music as we explore the distinct and compelling opening movements of Cantata 61, Nun komm der Heiden Heiland as well as Bach’s effervescent and beloved Cantata 140, Wachet auf (“Sleepers Awake”). H+H Historically Informed Performance Fellow Teresa Neff, H+H Principal Trumpet Jesse Levine, and H+H violinist Jesse Iron join as our panelists for this preview.


Emily Marvosh, host
Teresa Neff, H+H Historically Informed Performance Fellow
​Jesse Irons, violin
Jesse Levine, principal trumpet

woman smiling

Emily Marvosh

Teresa Neff

Teresa Neff

Jesse Levine

Jesse Irons