Annual Fund Donors
2020-21 Season
The Handel and Haydn Society is grateful for the generous support of the following individuals that made annual gifts of $100 or more to H+H’s Annual Fund as of August 1, 2021. This list also reflects the value of donated subscriptions and concert tickets, with our gratitude.
Handel and Haydn Circle
($100,000 and above)
Willma H. Davis
Philip Gerdine in memory of Marjorie Gerdine
Rose-Marie & Eijk van Otterloo
John & Janis Raguin
Scully Family Foundation
Two Anonymous Donors
Mozart Circle
($50,000 to $99,999)
Julia D. Cox
Barbara & Amos Hostetter
Karen Secunda Levy
Drs. Janina A. Longtine & Christopher D. Fletcher
The Parker Family Foundation
Emily F. Schabacker
Jim & Cathy Stone
Jeffrey & Ann M. Thomas
One Anonymous Donor
Bach Circle
($25,000 to $49,999)
Carolyn & William Aliski
Dr. Frank O. Clark & Dr. Lynn DeLisi
Deborah & Robert First
Joseph M. Flynn
Graham & Ann Gund
Heather & Robert Keane Family Foundation
Stephen Morrissey
Chris & Astrid Peisch
Dana & Carolyn Pope
Elizabeth Reza & Paul Skelly
Donna & Benjamin M. Rosen
Michael & Marcy Scott Morton
Robert N. Shapiro
Susan M. Stemper & Peter Lieberwirth
Nancy & Michael Tooke
Judith & Menno Verhave
Kathleen & Walter Weld
John J. Winkleman Jr.
Christopher R. Yens & Temple Gill
Platinum Baton
Alpine & Donald Bird
David B. Elsbree & Lorraine Gilmore
Kate S. Flather
Anne & David Gergen
Nicholas & Paula Gleysteen
Kathryn Hintz
Jane E. Manilych & Prof. W. Carl Kester
Peter G. Manson & Peter A. Durfee
Joseph Mari
Timothy & Deborah Moore
Anthony & Amy Moosey
Jonathan & Robin Painter
Mr. & Mrs. J. Daniel Powell
Stanley & Kay Schlozman
Thomas & Jane Watt
Elizabeth & Robert Wax
Matthew A. & Susan B. Weatherbie Foundation
David Weaver
Jean Woodward
Three Anonymous Donors
Gold Baton
Christopher Baldwin & Sally Reyering
The Parachute Fund
Rob & Nancy Bradley
Julian Bullitt
Miguel* & Sheila Canizares
Jane & Christopher Carlson
Louise & Thomas Cashman
Terry Decima
Howard* & Darcy Fuguet
Lia Gore & Frank Haluska
Nancy & Richard Lubin
Laura M. & Thomas R. Lucke
James F. Millea & Mary Ellen Bresciani
Betty Morningstar & Jeanette Kruger
Brenda Gray Reny
Robin Riggs & David Fish
Art & Elaine Robins
Richard & Eleanor Seamans
Rebecca A. Silliman M.D.
David C. Snead & Kate Prescott
Jane & James Wilson
Two Anonymous Donors
Silver Baton
Sam Anthony & Andrea C. Deeker
Martha Hatch Bancroft
Giulio Batterman
Polly Brown
Edmund & Betsy Cabot Charitable Foundation
Melissa Chase & K. E. Duffin
Mary L. Cornille & John F. Cogan Jr*
John Cornish & Victoria Angelatova-Cornish
Rohit Deshpande & Anita Watumull
Nicholas Dials & Dustin Henderson
Tom & Ellen Draper
Bob & Audree Dyson
James & Melissa Gerrity
Pamela Winer Goldberg
Clark & Wendy Grew
Deborah & Martin Hale
Nancy & Bill Hammer
Jonathan & Carrie Hammond
Ellen & John Harris
Dr. Douglas Horst & Ms. Maureen Phillips
Jamie Hoyte & Norma Dinnall
George & Elisabeth Ireland
Rhoda K. Joss & Paul C. Joss
Paul V. Kelly & Linda Perrotto
Judith & Mark King
Joan G. Kinne
Katherine A. Kirby
David & Suzanne Larsen
Winifred I. Li in memory of William P. Oliver
John & Elizabeth Loder
Robert E. Lyons
Ruth & Victor McElheny
Kathleen L. McGirr & Keith F. Carlson
Robert & Jane Morse
Mary & Sherif Nada
Nancy Nizel
Michael J. Oliveri & Eric A. Aho
Scott* & Diane Palmer
Winifred & Leroy Parker
Karen M. & James F. Poage
David G. Tuerck & Prema P. Popat
John A. Renner Jr.
Paul & Ann Sagan
Victoria Santarcangelo & John Dobermiller
Stanley & Jody Smith
Barbara Stedman in memory of Michael Stedman
Terry & Michael Taylor
Jolinda & William Taylor
Cecily W. Tyler
Jane A. Tyler
Janet & Dean* Whitla
Laima & Bertram Zarins
Three Anonymous Donors
Bronze Baton
William & Julia Alexander in memory of F. Knight Alexander
Richard & Carla Benka
Biogen Idec.
Edward S. W. Boesel
Rhys Bowen & Rebecca Snow
Paul & Wendy Chieffo
Neal Crossland
Lilee Dethchan
Irving & Gloria Fox
Ellen & Tim Guiney
Ann Higgins
Frederick & Cassandra Ilchman
Sidney & Geoffrey Kenyon
Neil M. Kulick & Jane C. Harper
Claire Laporte
Jonathan Loring
Beth & Michael Luey
Patricia & Richard MacKinnon
Randi & Tom Mitchell
Rory O'Connor & Claire Muhm
Deborah & Charles Peluse
Fatima Penrose
Rev Benjamin D. Perkins & David W. Brown
Randall Charitable Gift Fund
Joyce Raymond
Frederick Reis
Timothy & Maren Robinson
Barbara & Edward Scolnick
Joan K. Shafran & Rob Haimes
Arnold & Polly Slavet
Drs. Robert G. Spiro* & Mary J. Spiro
David & Sharon Steadman
Stewart H. Steffey Jr.
Eva Kalawski & John Sutton
John & Donna Sytek
Catherine B. Taylor
Margaret E. Thomas
Rosamond B. Vaule
Phyllis Vineyard
Four Anonymous Donors
Soloists’ Circle
($1,000 to $2,499)
Salvatore Angelone in memory of John Whiteside
Dr. Ronald Arky
John & Elizabeth Bacon
Christopher Bailey
Curtis L. Barnes
Susan & Arthur Barsky
Mary Ellen Bates
Jeremy Behrle & Beth Gage
Rev. Kazimierz Bem
Katharine C. Boden
Robert Brack & Janet Bailey
Timothy P. Bragan
Marilyn Brandt
Dr. & Mrs. Rick Bringhurst
John Paul & Diane Britton
Lawrence & Phyllis Buell
Linda Bui & Theodore Sims
Susan Okie Bush
Katie & Paul Buttenwieser
Frederick Byron
Ronald & Elizabeth Campbell
Mimi Collins
Linzee Coolidge
William & Sally Coughlin
Eugene L. Cox
John & Maria Cox
Jackie Dennis
Charlan Zhou & Jeff Dike
Kari & Thomas Doucette
Kathleen & Thomas Dunphy
Simon & Carolyn Eccles
Mark & Cindy Edwards
Todd Estabrook
John Flanagan
Peter F.
John & Patricia Folcarelli
Kenneth Froewiss
Buzz & Connie Gagnebin in memory of Charles
Paul & Dana Gillin
Charlene Placido & Peter Goldis
Robert L. Goldsmith & Kathleen McIssac
Robert & Judy Gore
Pamela Kohlberg & A. Curt Greer
Sharon Grimberg
Martin Guay
Mrs. Sylvia Hammer
Suzanne & Easley Hamner
Jill B. Hartman
George* & Daphne Hatsopoulos
Judith S. Howe in honor of Mrs. Ronald Woodward
Ilene & Richard Jacobs
Kathleen & Hershel Jick
Per & Jan Jonas
Stephen B. Kay & Lisbeth Tarlow
Daniel & Gloria Kearney
Maryanne King
David Kozak
Dr. David Kwiatkowski & Mrs. Ellen Richstone
Sylvia Lanza
Robert T. Macauley
David & MaryBeth MacBain
Allison MacCormick
Hugh MacKay & Elizabeth MacKay-Gray
Patricia MacLeod & Russ Vickers
Oscar F. Malcolm
Laura & Scott Malkin
Lawrence A. Martin Jr.
Stephen J. McCarthy
George W. McCormick
Amy Meyer
Tremont & Susan Miao
Sharon A. Miller
Stephen & Mary Lou Miller
Therese Minton
Jack Morgan & Anne Zebrowski
Nina & Marshall Moriarty
Wesley & Sandra Mott
Michael & Chen Nir
Marie B. Normoyle
Mike Peluse & Hannah Weisman
Petersen Family Fund
Eleanor Phillips
Plimpton-Shattuck Fund
Genevieve Pluhowski & Russ Wiggin
Harold I. Pratt
Florence L. Preisler
John & Cynthia Reed
John R. Regier
Virginia Richard
Maria Rosario
Deborah & David Rosmarin
Michael Simons & Margaret Sagan
Pito Salas
Kenneth & Shirley Sampson
P Miyoko Sato
Marilyn Shesko
Janet K. Skinner
Dr. Alan E. Smith & Ms. Leigh Dunworth
John & Jean Southard
Albert Staebler
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Stata
Ralph Sweetland
Ned & Frank Tate
David Taylor
Lisa Teot
W. M. Thackston
Sarah E. Thomas
Olaf & Margaret Thorp
Rik & Elise Tuve in memory of Ron Woodward
Kristen Vagliardo
Elizabeth A. & Kimberley R. Van Atten
Heidi Vernon
Lucy B. Wallace in memory of James H. Wallace
Lucas Wegmann
Arlene Weintraub
Ilana White
Kathryn A. Willmore in memory of Kathryn Adams
Sydney & Jonathan Winthrop
Katie & Marshall Wolf
Clifford Wunderlich & David Shuckra
David & Evelyn Yoder
The Honorable Rya W. Zobel
Mr. Peter Zschokke
Anonymous in memory of Amy Anthony
Fifteen Anonymous Donors
Chorus Circle
($500 to $999)
Sara & Jason Ader
Steven Angelides
John Appleton
Constance F. Armstrong
Brenda Baker & Eric Grosse Donor Fund
Michael & Theresa Barry
Aimee Basile
John & Molly Beard
Kimberley Beaudet
Nancy & Reiner Beeuwkes
Elaine Beilin & Robert H. Brown Jr
David & Nancy Berkowitz
Andrea Bertram
Richard & Mary Kate Bluestein
Richard Boardman & Lynne Stanton
Donna Bouvier and Helen Betz
Carolyn Breen
Sally & Eric Bradford
Dr. Mary Briggs & John Krzywicki
Francisco J. Buot
Kennett & Barbara Burnes
Mary & Eugene Cassis
Ruth Chang
Deborah Choate
Mila Chun
Dennis Churchman & James Evans
Derek Clark & Monica Bruno
John Clark & Judith Stoughton
John Clippinger
Rev. Francis J. Cloherty
Christine Coakley & Michelle O'Connell
Donna Makin Coard in memory of my husband Robert M. Coard
Allan & Kathleen Cohen
Jeff & Jennifer Collins
James Connell
Robert & Joy Creamer
Sen. Cynthia Creem & Harvey Creem
Robert & Amanda Crone
Tim & Pam Cronin
William & Joan Crosson
Peter H. Dodson & Beverly Feinberg
Donald & Gale Druga
Ed Fallon in memory of my Mother & Father
Pierre Fleurant
Edward Gadsby & Nancy Brown
Peter & Deborah Gates
David Gaynor
Colonel & Mrs. Ralph Gerenz
Mary & Michael Gimbrone
Goodman Family Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
J. Gorga & L. Highland
Barbara Gratry
The Graver Family
Samuel & Florence Graves
Dr. & Mrs. Scott H. Greenstein
Carol Griffin
Stanley N Griffith & Ann E Schauffler
Cynthia Haines
James S. Harper
Lisa Hastings & Thomas Akin
Robert Haynor & Ralph Colangelo
Jasjit & Donald Heckathorn
Bernhard & Susan Heersink
Ruth Hennig
Ingrid & Michael Hillinger
Jennifer Hochschild & Charles Broh
Beth F. Houston
Peter & Jane Howard
William & Lauren Huyett
Christopher & Dorothy Hyde
Robin Johnson & Russell Pinizzotto
Melinda Julbert
Mary A. Kane
Karen R. Kay
Elizabeth Keating
Bob Kelly
Barry Kernfeld & Sally McMurry
David H. Knight
Anne Koffey
Denis Kokernak
Jordan Kreidberg
David Lakari
Aaron Lamb & Margrethe Flanders
Jackie Lenth
Madeline K. Leone
Amanda Clark MacMullan
Peter & Gail Marcus
Pamela Marron
Diana Marsh
Dr. Owen R. Mathieu Jr. & Eileen Mathieu
George & Mary McNeil
Martin C. Mihm Jr
Debra & Norman Moniz
Myra Musicant & Howard Cohen
Mary & Warren Naphtal
Selma Newburgh
Burgess E. Nichols
Eileen Nielsen in memory of Maurice Nielsen
Daniel Nigrosh
H. Peter Norstrand & Katherine Tallman
David & Janet Offensend in honor of Mark and Judith King
Clara M. & John S. O'Shea
Daniel Patnaude
Carolyn & Georges Peter
Elizabeth & Ervin Philipps
David Posson
Patrick Dupre Quigley & Robert Andrew Peccola
Paul Rabin & Arlene Snyder
Emily & Stefan Reed
James Reulbach
Dr. & Mrs. William A. Ribich
Kennedy & Susan Richardson
Philip Rightmire
Catherine Riley & Barbara Werner
Edward Roche in memory of Col. Paul L. Roche 3rd U.S. Marine Corp. KIA
Jessie M. Rodrique
Julie Romandetta
Darold Rorabacher
Sara Rubin
Cheryl K. Ryder
Holly P. Safford & Charles Weilbrenner
William Salomon & Hannah Pressler
Stephen & Toby Schlein
Daniel & Margaret Schneider in honor of Joan Kinne
Robert & Catherine Schneider
Elizabeth & Russell Schutt
Bonnie & Neil Schutzman
Laurie M Scott
Liam & Kathleen Seward
Gretchen Slemmons in memory of Marie L. Southwick
Ann Boling Solberg
Dr. & Mrs. J. K. Stark
Robert Staron
Michael Steadman
Lorraine & Lee Steele
Rabbi Jonah C. Steinberg
Julienne & Michele Stenberg
Campbell Steward
Dr. & Mrs. John Tamilio III
Anne Tappan
Benjamin & Katherine Taylor
Annie Thompson & Tim Gerhold
Nathalie & John Thompson
Susan C. Tillman
Frances & Peter Trafton
Sonia & Aashu Virmani
Robert C. Volante
Alvin & Judy Warren
Rhonda & Milton Weinstein
Lewis Whitehead
Christopher & Jessica Wright
Patricia Yeiser, Syracuse, New York
Jeanne W. Yozell
Miriam & David Zarchan
Margaret & Charles Ziering
Nine Anonymous Donors
Orchestra Circle
($250 to $499)
Samuel & Edith Abbott
S. James Adelstein
Dorothy Africa & Guy Fedorkow
William & Zachary Agush
Joseph Aieta & Helen Alcala
Judith Allonby
Caroline Alpert
David Ames
Sarah & Christopher Andrysiak in honor of Ian Watson
James Annis
Richard B. & Carmen Arnold
Betty Athanasoulas
Stephen & Marcia August
Neil Ayer
Richard Barbieri
Brian & June Barbour
Kathy Barnes
Douglas & Christie Baskett
Marie Danielle Beaudry in honor of Oscar & Laurence Beaudry
Nicolette Beerel
Lawrence Bell
Helga & Milton Berglund
Kathleen M. Berman
David & Lorraine
Donald & Kathleen Bertrand
Lorrey & Kathleen Bianchi
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Biren
John Mayer & Richard Black
Heather & Tom Blake
Cynthia Bliss
Peggy S. Blitz
Carrie Bolster
Jennifer Borden & Joseph Balsama
Martha Born
Oliver Bouchier & Jeanette Daria Reagan
Josselyn Boudett
Nancy Bradford
Cynthia & Joel Bradley
Peter P. Bradley
Mr. & Mrs. David I. Brainard
Spyros and Anne Braoudakis
LeBaron & Aileen Briggs
Margaret & Nicholas Brill
Leonard Buckle in memory of my dear wife, Dr. Suzann Remington Thomas
Reverend Thomas W. Buckley
Paul & Patricia Buddenhagen
Ferdinando Buonanno
Alisa Braithwaite & James Buzard
Rebecca Cabral
John A. Carey
Sarah M. Carothers & Duncan G. Todd
Laura Carrick
Jennifer A. Cobe
Robert L. Cochran
Joanne Cohn
Elizabeth A. Compton
Paul Cramer & Mary Gard
Frederik & Sophia Crawford in honor of Peter Manson & Peter Durfee
Gregory & Anne Crisci
Sarah Cummer
Mark E Cushing
Molly & Philip Cutler
John & Sally Davenport
Elizabeth C. Davis
Marko De La Garza
Mary H. DeGarmo
Carmela & John D'Elia
Carolyn DeMoranville
Dean K. Denniston Jr.
Father Constantine Desrosiers
Eileen Walsh Devor
The Van Arsdale Dewey Family
Mady & Bruce Donoff
William Donovan
Kristin & Chris Doucet
Diane Droste
Linda Drury & Paul McBride
Elizabeth Gruenfeld & Michael Duffy
Judy & Jack Duncan
Cheryl Dyment & Dennis O'Brien
Terry Eastman in memory of Tom Eastman
Katherine Engle in honor of Tom O'Hailorahan & Mr. Al Dentino
George & Carol Epple
Ken & Alice Erickson
Johnson McVeigh Family Fund
Joel & Janet Farrell
Peter & Sarah Farrow
Thomas & Winifred Faust
Kathleen Fay & Glenn KnicKrehm
Joseph J. Ferreira Jr & Dr. Manabu Takasawa
Patrice Ficken
Paul A. & Elizabeth Fideler
Jerry Fielder & Daniel G. Campbell-Benson
Dr. Christopher Fincham
Richard Fink & Cheryl Rothstein
Carol L. Fishman
Christina M. Frangos, Esq.
James Franklin & Brenda Swithenbank
Alan Fruzzetti
Beverly Bridgewater Fuller
Michael & Kathryn Fuller
Stephen Garanin & Bonnie Parri
Josette Gaudreau in memory of my dear friend JoAnne Soretto
Jonathan Gbur
Brian George & Deniz Ozan-George
Allen & Kay Gidley
Ruth & Michael Gilbert-Whitner
Give with Liberty
David Glen
Elizabeth Goetter
Alice Goldsmith
Claire & Brian Goldsmith
Ronald & Judith Goodman
Elizabeth & Paul Goodrich
Ted & Dru Greenwood
Mary J. Greer
D. J. Griffith
Jonathan & Sandra Grindlay
Jonathan & Victoria Guest
Gregory Hagan & Leslie Brayton
Susan Hajjar
Hallowell-Flaherty Family Giving Fund
George Halsey & Grave Billings
Don & Gina Halsted
Jill Harper
Tricia Harris & Betty Bourret
David L. Hartman
Dorothy Heath
Rebecca S. Hemperly & Susan Altman
Kathleen Henry
Robert Hierholzer
Erin Higgins
James T. Higgins & Cynthia N. McCann
Olivia Hoblitzelle
Amanda Holley
Warren & Marilyn Hollinshead
Thomas Hotaling
Jeff Hover
Barclay & Judith Howe
Lindsey V. Humes
Penny Janeway
Harold Jarmon
Anthony Jeannotte
Andrea & Bruce Jeffrey
Alan & Barbara Jenkins
David* & Shirley Jenkins
Paul Johnson
Meghan Johnston
T Stephen Jones
Alvin Kagan
Katherine Kaufmann
Susan & Louis Kern
Richard M. Kesner
Phyllis Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kraus
Elliot Kronstein & May Baldwin
Judy Kugel
M. Kuncewicz
Theresa & Jack Kurdzionak
Joseph Paul Lancaster Jr
Cynthia Landau & David Weiner
Christopher Landee
Judith Larsen in honor of Suzanne Larsen
Nicolas Minutillo & Sandra Larson
Urban Larson
Siu-Man Kelvin Lau
Thomas P. Lavin
Michelle Lee & Andrew Witt
Ricardo & Marla Lewitus in honor of Professor Hans Lewitus
Andrea & Jason Loeb
Bruce G. Lundie
John & Sandy Lynch
Pauline M. MacDonald
Sally Makacynas
Timothy D. Mansfield & Marjorie A. Eiref
CJ Mathias
Rosemary Mattuck
Terri-Lynn McCormick
John & Betty McCullough
Amy McDermott
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McIlwraith
Susan A. McLeish
Susan Eldredge Mead
Forrest & Sara Milder
Stephanus Millard
Lt. General George D. Miller & Mrs. Barbara Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Miller
Judith Mir
Paula & Allen Mitchell
Winona Moeller
Randolph P. Monti
Alan Moyer & Terrell Clark
Charles Muller III
John & Jasmine Murphy
David & Kathleen Rushford Murray Charitable Fund
Terri Neufeglise & Rosalyn J. Fennell
Paul Neuhauser
John & Evelyn Neumeyer
Margaret & Joseph Newhouse
Deborah & Ralph Nichols
Lindy Noecker
Elke U. O’Donnell
Thomas O'Connell
Bill & Martha O'Dell
Rose Kathleen O'Donnell
Les & Joan Ottinger
John M. Owen
Joan Parrish
Dr. Henry Paulus
Connie Pawelczak
Michael Payne & Jean Carroon
Haley Peabody
Peter Pease
Sinan Pehlivanoglu in honor of Warrel Dane
John & Alice Pepper
Wendy Pirsig
Beatrice A. Porter
Martha Pott
Charles & Betsy Pyne
Frank & Astrida Ramrath
Anne P. Reece
Tracy Reynolds
Linda Rhodes in memory of my mother, Josie
Robert C. Riordan
Lisa A. Robinson
Allan Rodgers
Anne & Karl Rookey
Burton* & Gloria Rose
Michael & Karen Rotenberg
Martha Rothchild
Adam S. Rubinson
Helle Sachse
Christopher Salvadore
Sarah Satterthwaite
Elizabeth R. Scheffler
John & Anne Schiraga
Walter & Cindy Schlaepfer
Warren M. Schur
Daniel & Eva Schwall
Phyllis & Larry Selter
Peter & Kathleen Shank
Allen F. Shaughnessy
Raelene Shippee-Rice in memory of my beloved husband, Dale W. Rice
Toyin Shonukan
Steven & Martha Shuster
Katherine & Nathaniel Sims
Joel & Karen Sirkin
Laura Smeaton
Lynn & Peter Smiledge
Sybil & Don Smith
Gail Smith
Kathleen A. Smith
Steven Solomon
Gary & Elizabeth Spiess
Lionel & Vivian Spiro
Mary & John Stasik
Sarah Stewart
Phyllis Stibler
Susan Stone
Alan J. Strauss
Ralph & Carol Stuart
Margaret U. Suby in honor of George D. Levy
Tricia Swift
Jeffrey & Linda Swope
Michael Frazier Thompson
Helena Thornley
Madeleine Timin
Stephen Timpany & Nancy Yannuzzi
Paul Vermouth
Edward Walker
John & Beverly Wand
Elise & Jeremy Warhaftig
Gayle & Charles Weiss
Ann Marie Lindquist & Robert Weisskoff
Michael Wessel
Debby Wiesen Kelly in memory of Lorraine K. Wiesen
Sally Williard
Lynn & Daniel Winkler
Judith Wittenberg
Kurt & Suzanne Woetzel
Christian Wolff
Patricia & Douglas Woodlock
Donald G. Workman & Jane C. Workman
Susan Wyatt
John & Judith Wyman
Ioannis V. Yannas
Philip & Jacqueline Yen
Kristin & Andy Zecca
P. C. Zegras
Robert Scott Zeller in memory of John Tenhula
Maureen & Ron Ziemba
Twenty-one Anonymous Donors
Friends Circle
($100 to $249)
Barbara Acton
Sieglinde Aigner-Crooks
Pamela Aist
Connelly Akstens
John & Julia Alberta
John Alcock
Nathan Alden
Alexander C. Allam
Clifford & Cynthia Allen
Rebecca Altieri
Sarah & John Ames
Joyce Amico
Robert & Rita Anderson
Sara & Robert Angus
Monica R. Armour
Sarah Ashby
Julie Aubin
Salvatore P. Auditore
David Croll & Lynne Ausman
Kenneth Avocetien
Patricia Baker
Melinda Ballou & Patrick Oates
Ellen Banash in honor of Rob Shapiro
Joanne Barber
John & Helen Barnes
Margaret Barrett
Thomas G. Beauchamp-Arnold
Edward Becker
Michael & Lee Behnke
Arthur Beiser
Dorothy Beke
Ann Bekebrede
Dwight Bell
Wendy Bellew
Elliott & Stacey Berger
Pat Berman
Arlene Bernstein
Vesna Besarabic
Jane D. Beswick
Sunil Bhatia
Madeleine Biondolillo in memory of Michael Hubner
Judith & Robert Birch
Suzanne Birchard
Susan Bird
John & Eugenia Bishop
Ellen Bisshopp
Abbe Bjorklund
Amy Blake & Garry Crago
Stuart & Dorothy Bless
Jill Bloom
Adria & Stephen Bodell
Paul Boepple
Laurent J. Boer
Chantal Boiardi
Jay & Kathy Bolgatz
Herbert & Barbara Boothroyd
Elizabeth S. Boveroux
Albert & Barbara Bowers
Alexis Boylan & Micki McElya
Richard P. Breed III
Joseph Brenckle
Will Brewer in honor of Anne Boulton
Maria & Bill Brisk
Linda E. Brock
Harold W. Brogan
Julie Brown & Zachary Morowitz
Putter & Nannie Brown
Irene Brown
Edmund & Anne Bullis
James Burke
Judith W. Burling
Nathan Burnett
Harold Burstein
James & Susan Bush
James Buttrick
Ann Caldwell
John Caldwell
Maryellen Callahan
Curmudgeon Consulting Inc.
Yoshi Campbell
Janice Carlberg
Richard Carle
Rachel Carmody
Carol Carpenter
Deborah Carr & Samuel Zwetchkenbaum
Alice Carson
Victoria & Vincent Cavaseno
Kevin Cecala
Christine & Charles Chamberlain
Mary Chamberlain
Karen Chamberland
Matthew Chance
Ellen & William Chapman
William D. Chapman
Alan S. Charles
Richard & Mary Jane Cheever
Tanya Chermak
Joseph Childs
Miles Jackson Childs
Edward Choate
Paul Christensen
Joan & Frank Christison-Lagay
Catherine Clancy
Clark Family
Douglas & Christine Clayton
Judith Clementson
Thomas & Elena Clouser
Fred Cobey & Ana D'Alessio
John & Carole Cody
Roberta Coffin
Beverly Cohen & Michael Oliver
Bruce Cohen
Kenneth Cohen & Kate Flora
Michael & Rebecca Cohen
Joanne B. Cohn
Henry Roman & Courtney Coile
Carolee Coleman
Donna Colletti
Isabelle Collins, in memory of my beloved father, Joseph Omimer
Barbara A. Cone
Walter & Eileen Connor
Chathan Cooke
Mary Coombs
John K. Cooper
Jonathan & Beverly Cooper-Wiele
Ralph Copper
Christine Coughlin
John Covino
Stephanie A. Cowell
Mary Crane
Kevin Creedon
Jean F. Croghan
Michael & Theresia Cunningham
Ann L. Curtis
Arthur R. Curtis
Karen Dacey
Deborah D'Amico
Ellen Davis
Kristella Day
Stephen De Campo in loving memory of Judith De Campo
Willem & Paula DeJong
Donald DeVeuve
Kevin Devine
Ernest & Marilyn Dimicco
David & Mary Ellen Dinwoodey
Alicia Distler
Leslie Dominguez-Santos
Kristen & Micah Donahue
Charles & Sheila Donahue
Mary Donohoe
Richard G. Dower Jr.
Duane & Tatiana Downey
Eric Drogin & LaurieAnn Yeisley-Drogin
Nelia & Charles Dunbar
Charles Duncan
Jill Carrier & David Duncan
Dr. Keith J. Dunn
Mark Dunn & Joan Gilmore
Vic & Susan Dvorak
Kenneth Dzus
Diana Eck
John & Rebecca Edmondson
Mary Beth & John Elder
Nancy Eldredge Hess in honor of Jonathan Hess
Alfred & Mary Ellis
Marie-Pierre & Michael Ellman
Carol Englender & Anthony Cooper
Bob & Liz Engstrom
BJ Entwisle
Jane & Daniel Epstein
Samuel Evans
Chieh-Min & Stephen Fan
Mr. & Mrs. Farquhar
Jean Fuller Farrington
Dean Farwood
Louis Fazen
Martha Ferko
Irene & Michael Ferranti
Kristin C. Field
Peter V. Finn
Sarah Finney
Julia Firmbach
Paul Fitzgerald
Mary Fitzsimmons
Joyce Flaherty
Alden Flanders
Christine Fletcher & Joe Suyemoto
Philip & Eileen Flood in memory of Betty F. Ciampa
James Flynn
Margaret Fogel
Elizabeth Foote & Howell Jackson
Scott Forbes & Regina Ventre
John H. Forsythe
George P. Forte
Brigitte Fortin & Michael Janko
Carole & Bruce Foxman
Marta & Robert Frank
Richard M. Frankel
Dan & Lois Frasier
Gary Freeman
Alicia Frick Laguarda
Robert & Rochelle Friedman
Edward Furey
Donald Furman
Dori Galton
Cynthia J. Gardell
Mark Franklin & Diane Garner
R. H. Garrett-Goodyear
John M. Garrison
Gillian R. Gattie & John Watson
Eileen Gay
General Electric
Monica Gerber
Dwight Gertz & Virginia C. Welles
Peter M. Ghiloni
Jeffrey Giles
Thomas Gillespie
Mr. & Mrs. John Glancy
Sheldon & Joan Glashow
John Glore
Michael Gnozzio & Matthew Valleau
Mary Ellen Goffredo
Richard Good
Nadja B. Gould
Gerald Graham & Emily Moore
Nancy Graham
William S. Grainge
Doug & Karen Grant
Ashley Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Gray III
Ellen & James Green
Ms. Jeanne T. Griffith
Harold Grotevant
Randal E. Guendel
Michelle Guertin & Mike Borges
Sylvie Guichard
J. Douglas Guy
Carol Haber & Richard Englund
Edward Hackett
Mihaly Hajos
Allison & Steve Hall
Charles & Mary Hall
Betsy Hall
William Hamilton
Theodore & Anne Hammett
Artis Hampshire Cowan
Joyce Hannan
Deborah Hansen
Adam Harper & Stephenie Strogney
Linda A. Harper
Susan Harper
Carole Harris
David Harris
Elin & John Harris
Nathaniel & Margaret Harrison
Chris Hart
Timothy Harwood
Thomas Haskins
Susan Hassinger
Charles Haverty & Alexandra Glucksmann
Robert & Catherine Haws
Nile Hawver
Virginia Hecker
Pauline Heidemann
Christopher Heigham
Karin Hemmingsen
Barclay Henderson
Wanda Hendrix
Kristin Henson
John Herbert & Sarah Woolverton
Martin & Ellen Herbordt
Gerard Herlihy
Alan Hess
Kathleen Heyer
Robert Hillman
Carrie Hitt
Aloysius & Lillian Hobausz
Melinda Teresa Hobausz
Ann Hochschild
Jess Hodge
Clayton Hoener & Lisa Lederer
Edward & Pamela Hoffer
Mr. & Mrs. Hoffman
Jeff Hoger
Brian Hohmann
Brook Holladay
Delanson Hopkins
Frederic G. Hoppin
Pam & Bob Horner
Jane & Gordon Hugenberger
Nancy Stauffer & Jeffrey Hughes
Kathleen Hull
Eileen Hulnick
Ruth A. Hunter
Guibenson Hyppolite
Bennet Ih
MathWorks Inc.
M. S. Iovieno-Sunar
Del & Reggie Irving
Laura Israel
Ronald & Cecilia Jean-Louis
Johnson & Johnson Family
Carl & Patricia Johnson
Laura Stookey Johnson
Robin Johnson
Christine L. Johnston
Jennifer Jolly
Barbara H. Jones
Katherine & Hubert Jones
Ann-Marie Joyce
Joseph & Sara Junkin
Martha Jurchak
Mary & Robert Kahn
Beverly & Timothy Kaiser
Eric & Meredith Kaplan in memory of Miguel Canizares
William Kasimer
Peter Kaufman
Nathalie Kaufman
Laurel Kayne
Jeanne Kempthorne & Douglas Cannon
William Kennedy
Stephen & Mary Keville
Christie & Bill Kilmer
Mary Kilpatrick
Joan & John Kimball
Jim King
Lia Kirakossian
Jason Kirkpatrick
Liisa N. Kissel
Ron & Helen Ann Knepper
Samuel Knight & Anna Whitcomb
Elissa Koff
E. Dean Kolbas
Alexander Kossey
Alan & Caryn Kovacs
Krishna Family
Neil & Shelly Krug
Margarethe Kulke
Robert Kurth
William LaBelle
Cynthia Lacey
Robert & Mary Richardson
Christian Lane
Laurel Lang
Dianne Langeland
Robert Langlois
Anthony Lapadula
Catherine Lark & Mark Koch
Kate Lark
Donald Larsen
Ellen Larsen
Kathie Larsen & Anne Hinds
Alice Susan Lawson
David Leach & Laurie LaChapelle
Heather Lechtman
Hoyong Lee
Monica & Michael Lehner
Brad Leithauser
Donald Leka
Jean-Yves & Nicola LeMay
John F. Lescher
Alison Leslie
Douglas Leuppert & Gabriela Arruda
Susan Levy
Sylvia Lewinstein
James Lewis
Patricia Lewis
Jean Lightman
Joam Linares
Marty & Kathie Lindemann
Cindy Trahan Liptak
Philipp Lirk
Barbara Littlefield
Cheryl Lloyd
Oliver Loewen
Andrew D. Logan
Stephen Logowitz
Sharon D Long, Friend
Gwyneth E. Loud
Laurel Lown
Chiajou Lu
Joe Lucero in honor Michael Maler, of Historic New England
Kim & Mark Luiggi
Holger & Nancy Luther
Marianne & Henry Luthin
Greg MacGowan
Robert & Camille MacKusick
Allison MacNabb
Barbara MacPhee
Elizabeth & Gregory Maheras
Michael Maler
Maccabit Malkin
Kiran Mallavarapu
Cynthia Maloney
Karen Maloney
Elizangela Malta
Laura Maltby
Anne & Eli Manchester
Allison Mann & Benjamin Gundy
John & Carol Mansour
Jane M. Manwaring
Chris & Kerstin March
Diane Marguerite
Dominic Marino
David Martin & Deborah Blazey-Martin
Keith Martin
Susan Martin-Joy
Joseph Martino & Sarah Barnes
David & Suzanne Marvosh in honor of our daughter, Emily Marvosh
Edith Mathiowitz
Amelia McCarthy
Audrey McCarthy & John Hoye
Roy & Shelagh McCauley
Scott & Mimi McDougal in memory of Ronald N. Woodward
Dr. Terry McEnany
Brian Mcevoy
Henry McFarland
Katherine & Kevin McGough
Jean Mcguire in honor of Barbara Herbert
Donna McKittrick
William McLaughlin
Alicia McSweeney
Megan Meirav
Janis Melvold
Joseph & Elizabeth Mergel
Michael Mertaugh
Claire Messina
Jacqueline & Jaan Metsma
Jo Frances Meyer
Amy R. Meyers
Ronni & Dennis Michel
Jane & John Michelmore
Lara Miele
Eiji Miki
Manja & Marc Miles
Douglas Miller
Michael & Anne Miller
John & Sally Miller
Melvin Mittnick
Lawrence & Ann Modisett
Rob Moir & Antoinette Czekanski
Stephen Moody
Andrea Moore
Randall Moore
Nancy & Ted Moore
Kathleen Morgan
Kathy & Roger Paul
Kevin Morrison & Lesley Scott-Morton
Kathleen Murphy
Elaine Murray
Elizabeth Murray
Debra Nagy
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Napolitano
Peter & Melissa Nassiff
Marjorie & Roger Nastou
Marguerite Nault
Thomas Neenan
Avi Nelson
Christine Nelson
Teresa Nelson
Rebecca & Paul Nemser
Jenifer Nesin
Travis Ness
Judi & Carlos Neu
Ryan L. Nevidomsky
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Newell
Otto Newman
Richard & Susan Nichol
Rebecca Nickerson
Barbara & Fred Northrop
Melanie Northrop
Sandra Northrup & Dean Walton
Jeffrey & Carolyn Nutt
Jennider Nye
Ellen & John O'Connor
Sharon & Ronald O'Connor
Patrick O'Hara
Linda & Richard O'Keefe
Frances O'Leary
Marion H. Olena
Maureen & Douglas Olsen
Nancy Olson
Nancy Olson & Charles Di Sabatino
Andrea O'Malley
Claudia Ordonez
Kathryn O'Reilly
Daniel Osborn
Valerie Ostrower
Christopher Ostwald
David & Laurie Otten
Ahemt Ozalp
Kimberly Paddock
Lance Page & Leena Singh
Mary Page
Drs. Elizabeth Paik & Sungwhan Oh
Robert Paine & Beth Fuller
Gerald L. Paist
Pari Pandharipande & Johannes Schlondorff
Karen Parker
Joel Parry
Philip Parsons
Barbara Parton
Usha Pasi
Wayne & Winifred Paskerian
Lori Niese
Jim Pendleton
Sally Pennell
Roy & Jean Perkinson
Barry C. Perlman
Carl & Cheryl Peterson
Christine Peterson
Loumona Petroff
Andrea Phan
Susan Pharr & Robert Mitchell
Emily Pierce
Ernest Pierce
Pilch-Craren Family
Allan Pineda & Mary Manning
George Ploussios & Elizabeth Case
Kathleen Pollitt
Harry Pollock
Nancy Pope
Ute Possekel & James Satterthwaite
Arjan Post
John Power
Florence Poy
Larry Pratt & Rosalind Forber
Dmitry Pristin
Rebecca Pruden
Bruce & Bettye Pruitt
Jason & Lisa Puckett
Christopher & Esther Pullman
Deborah Purdon
Ning Qiao
Michael Rabieh
Catherine Racer in memory of Amy Anthony
Phillip L. & Norma L. Radoff
Virginia & Michel Raguin
Jonathan Ralton
JM Rao
James Rao
Jon & Cristen Rasmussen
Christopher N. Rassias
Jane & Jack Reardon
Bruce & Noel Redford
Scott Redford
Brian E. Redmond
Thomas Reid
Anita Reiner
Brian Reis
Suzanne Ricco
Nancy & Peter Rice
Daniel Rich & Regine Bohacek
Farrah Ridore
Peter Riley
Sharon Kirby & Frederic Ripley
Laurence & Deirdre Robbins
Judith Robichaud & Robert Larsen
Roberto Rodriguez
Anna Roelofs
Linda Roettger
Anne & Dennis Rogers
John & Anne Rogers
Romulo Romer in memory of Romulo & Coco Romero
Jean Rosiello
Emily Ross in honor Regina Ross
Janet Rountree
Peter & Linda Rubenstein
Lisa & Gary Rucinski
Catherine Rude
Andrea Rundgren
Demetriouse Russell
The Russin Family
Ellen Ryan
James Ryan
Anne Sa'adah & Charles Maier
Marian Sabal
Maureen A. Sabolinski
Atsuko Sakaki
Franklyn P. Salimbene
Lucas Sanders
Stephen Sanders
Robert Sandy
William Sano
Virginia Saprio
Jeremy Sarna
Joanne Z. Sattley
Jonathan F. Saxton
Lucy Scanlon
Michael Scanlon
Susannah Scannell
Susan & Brian Schanning
Amie & Jeffrey Schantz
Paula & Steven Schimmel
Eckhard Schnabel
Julia Schniewind
Joachim Scholz
Susan Schumaker
Aire-Maija Schwann
Jeff Schwotzer
Maureen A. Scully & Gerald V. Denis
Phoebe Segal
Miriam Seltzer
Arlene Semerjian
Deborah Shah
Marshall Shatz
Lisa G. Shaw
Susan Sheetz
Sayre Sheldon
Alexandra Sherman
Sophia K. Sid
Nathan Sidley
Mindy & Mark Sieber
Michael & Rena Silevitch
Joseph J. Sizensky
Jon Sjogren
Kathleen Skelly
Kiernan E. Skinner
Robert & Mary Smallman
Richard & Barbara Smith
Lisa N. Snellings
Jeff & Bonnie Snow
Laura Solano
Andrew Southcott
Alex Speir
Mary Spillane
Constance & Eugene Spiros
Christian & Gertrude Spoor
Robert & Carolyn Sprich
William & Diane Squires
Lisa Standley
Jane Stenning
Douglas & Susan Stetson
Robert & Susan Stevenson
David H. Stewart Jr.
Doug Stewart
Sara C. Stinson
Amy Stoffelmayr
Laurin Stoler
Deborah Stone
Gretchen & Bill Straub
Peter & Lynn Stuart
Steven Swanger
Pamela & Charles Swearingen
Chris Swenson
Tara Talbot
Margaret M. Talcott & Scott Scharer
Ryan Taliaferro
Normand Tanguay
Susan N. Tarrant
Paul Taylor
Joan Thayer
Irwin & Cherie Thompson
Eric Thorgerson & Elizabeth Foote
He Tian
Carol Tierney in memory of Chris Cabot
Joe & Kathryn Tolan
Bob Tomposki
Mr. & Mrs.* Charles T. Toomey
Patricia Torkildson
Galia Bermudez
Matthew Torrey in memory of Miguel Canizares
Norm & Judie Toti
Susan Trubiano
Christoph & Joan Tschalaer
Vincent Tucci & Elena Nedea
Gerald Tutor
Peggy & Reed Ueda
Anne R. Umphrey
United Technologies
Richard R. Urena
Timothy & Lucy Vaill
Deborah M. Valenze
Peter & Kate Van Denmark
Michael Vaughan
Gonzalo Verdugo
Christine & John Vetere
Stephen & Susan Viegas
Winifred Volkhausen
Joseph & Sara Volpe
Dagmar von Schwerin
Al & Nita Voskian
Suzanne Wade
Jeffrey Wang
Julia & Dexter Wang
Kim Ward
Donald & Susan Ware
Victoria Arnold & Bert Waters
Robin Watkins
Sally Hyde Watt
Katharine W. Webster
Warren R. & Eve C. Webster
Barbara Weidlich
Marcia Welch in honor of Wat* & Jane Tyler
Ed & Amy Wertheim
John E. Whipple
Charles & Deborah White
Greg White & Deborah Eldridge-White
James & Joan Wickersham
Peter & Kathryn Wilcox
William Wilkens
Kenneth L. Williams & Christine Dutkiewicz
Karen Willis
Brian Wilson
Melissa Wilton
Richard Winickoff
Maria E. Winthrop
Kristi Wiswell
Morris & Gerri Wolk
Peter Woloschuk
Amy Woodward & Leonard Varon
Beverly Woodward & Paul Monsky
Alan & Marie Wright
Eytan Wurman
Marty Yoder
Joan & Michael Yogg
Dave & Deanna Young
Elizabeth Young
Joan Young
Yiding Yu
George Zeliger
Rafael Zhadanovskiy & Larissa Zilitintbuitch
Joyce Zhu
Karol E. Zielonko
Harmon Zuccola
Marie Zuckerman
Michael Zurcher
Xenia Zymaris
Fifty-three Anonymous Donors