The H+H Musicians Relief Fund Donors
The Handel and Haydn Society thanks the following donors for their generous gifts for the H+H Musicians Relief Fund. This fund was established in March 2020 to provide salary, performance fees, and other financial compensation to musicians and musician support staff during a critical period of economic downturn. The fund is a current use fund to be expended at the direction of H+H leadership for ongoing operations.

Mitchell Adams* in memory of Kevin Michael Smith
Curtis L. Barnes
Susan & Arthur Barsky
Richard & Carla Benka
Rhys Bowen & Rebecca Snow
Louise & Thomas Cashman
Alpine Chandler Bird & Donald J. Bird
Harry Christopers
Dr. Frank O. Clark & Dr. Lynn DeLisi
Mary L. Cornille & John F. Cogan Jr*
William & Sally Coughlin
Julia D. Cox
Willma H. Davis
Willem & Paula DeJong
Rohit Deshpande & Anita Watumull
Christopher J. Diloreto
Colin Dockrill
Tom & Ellen Draper
David B. Elsbree & Lorraine Gilmore
Kate S. Flather
George P. Forte
Dori Galton
Drs. Philip & Marjorie* Gerdine
Anne & David Gergen
James & Melissa Gerrity
Allen & Kay Gidley
Mary & Michael Gimbrone
Ellen & Tim Guiney
Lisa Hastings & Thomas Akin
Alison & Leon F. Herbert Jr.
Kathleen Henry
Beth Houston & Karl Gerds
Jamie Hoyte & Norma Dinnall
Frederick & Cassandra Ilchman
David* & Shirley Jenkins
Christine L. Johnston
Paul V. Kelly & Linda Perrotto
Jane E. Manilych & Prof. W. Carl Kester
Maryanne King
David & Suzanne Larsen
Judith Larsen in honor of Suzanne Larsen
Karen Secunda Levy
Kim & Mark Luiggi
Robert E. Lyons
Peter G. Manson & Peter A. Durfee
Joseph Mari
Max and Selma Kupferberg Family Foundation
Timothy & Deborah Moore
Mary & Sherif Nada
Nancy Nizel, in memory of George Levy
Michael J. Oliveri & Eric A. Aho
Jonathan & Robin Painter
Gerald Paist
Chris & Astrid Peisch
Pilch-Craren Family
Karen M. & James F. Poage
Dana & Carolyn Pope
John & Janis Raguin
John R. Regier
Brenda Gray Reny
Nancy & Peter Rice
Art & Elaine Robins
Pito Salas
Christopher Salvadore
Emily F. Schabacker
Stephen & Toby Schlein
Robert N. Shapiro
Arnold & Polly Slavet
Stanley & Jody Smith
Eva Kalawski & John Sutton
Tricia Swift
John & Donna Sytek
Jeffrey & Ann M. Thomas
Sarah E. Thomas
Nancy & Michael Tooke
Rose-Marie & Eijk van Otterloo
Judith & Menno Verhave
Sonia & Aashu Virmani
Elizabeth & Robert Wax
Matthew A. & Susan B. Weatherbie Foundation
David Weaver
Kathleen & Walter Weld
Lewis Whitehead
Jane & James Wilson
Karol E. Zielonko
10 Anonymous Donors