News for Fall 2021

When will I be mailed my concert tickets?
Tickets will be emailed approximately two weeks before each performance. Touchless ticketing will be preferred. Your H+H tickets will be delivered to your mobile phone, or you can print your tickets at home. Printed and mailed tickets will be available upon request.
I purchased parking vouchers – when will I receive them?
Parking vouchers will be mailed via U.S.P.S. approximately two weeks before each performance.
Will masks be required?
Yes, H+H is complying with the Mayor’s requirement that masks be worn at indoor public events. Learn more here: https://handelandhaydn.org/health-and-safety/
Will proof of vaccinations be required?
Symphony Hall’s COVID protocols for the fall period of the 2021–22 season require audience members to provide proof of vaccination or proof of a negative test result, either a PCR test taken within 72 hours of the performance or an antigen test taken within the last 24 hours. These protocols will be in place for H+H concerts. Learn more here: https://handelandhaydn.org/health-and-safety/
May I take a rapid test at Symphony Hall to be allowed in?
H+H is not providing rapid tests at Symphony Hall.
Will there be any social distancing at Symphony Hall?
At this time, there will not be any social distancing in the hall. Performances will be held at standard seating capacity.
What other steps have been taken to keep audiences safe at H+H concerts?
Symphony Hall’s air handling systems were evaluated and upgraded as necessary to provide enhanced ventilation and filtration, including filtration with a MERV13 or higher rating on recirculated air systems and bringing in 100% outdoor air at increased rates of ventilation.
Will H+H be streaming its 2021-22 concerts?
H+H will be streaming its 2021-22 concerts on a special new video platform, H+H Plays On. You can find the H+H Plays On platform on your web browser at playson.handelandhaydn.org or on your mobile device or smart TV, including apps for Apple and Android, Apple TV, Android TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire.
You will find lots of free streaming concerts on H+H Plays On. You will also find “locked” or “subscription only” content on this platform. Our 2021-22 streaming concerts will be “locked.”
Free access to these streaming concerts will be given to H+H subscribers and donors of $100 or more. Passwords to access the streaming concerts will be sent to subscribers and donors of $100 or more about two weeks before our first concert.
Remember, to access the Fall streaming concerts, you need to login and enter your password. Concerts will be available starting on Tuesdays at 3:00 PM ET, nine days following each Sunday performance.
We soon will be adding to our technical tips page of our website, to provide more information about accessing these streams via the new platform and apps.
My plans are changing – can I exchange or refund my tickets?
In recognition of the special environment of Fall 2021, H+H is offering ticket exchanges or credits for any purchases, if you notify us by noon of the day of each performance.
Will food and beverages be available at H+H concerts?
Refreshment centers and bars will be open throughout Symphony Hall for light snacks and beverages before performances and during intermissions.
Will pre-concert lectures, Musically Speaking with Teresa Neff, be offered before each concert?
Yes, Musically Speaking will be offered before each concert. Learn more here: https://handelandhaydn.org/plan-your-visit/musically-speaking/
Will pre-concert seated dining be available before Friday evening performances at H+H concerts?
H+H will not be offering pre-concert seated dining during Fall 2021 concerts.
Will instrument demonstrations be given in the hallways before each concert?
Due to the unique environment during the Fall of 2021, H+H does not have plans to deliver instrument demonstrations before each concert.