The Magic of Vivaldi
It will be available for one month.
3:00PM ET
Speaking of Vivaldi
Enjoy a talk about the pieces on the program with Dr. Teresa Neff, H+H's Historically Informed Performance Fellow and Guy Fishman, H+H Principal Cellist
3:10PM ET
Performance of the music listed below.
3:50PM ET
Musical Encore
We'll perform one final, bonus piece introduced by Principal Cellist, Guy Fishman.
3:55PM ET
Stay tuned for a live Q+A with the musicians, moderated by David Snead, H+H President and CEO.
While you're watching the live Q+A with the musicians, we welcome your questions in the chat feature of the Q+A.
If you have a question to ask in advance, email info@handelandhaydn.org.
The times above are approximate.

Don’t miss the fiery splendor of the magical music of Vivaldi, brought alive in this impassioned performance by four of H+H’s unrivaled principal musicians, and featuring the dazzling soprano Amanda Forsythe.
Vivaldi: Cantata, “Lungi dal vago volto” (text and translation below)
Vivaldi: Sonata for violoncello and basso continuo No. 4 in B-flat Major
Vivaldi: Trio Sonata in D Minor, La Folia
Performed By
Amanda Forsythe, soprano
Aisslinn Nosky, violin
Susanna Ogata, violin
Guy Fishman, cello
Ian Watson, harpsichord
This program is made possible in part by the generous support of Howard and Darcy Fuguet.
Text and Translation
Vivaldi: Lungi dal vago volto
Text: Anon
Lungi dal vago volto
della mia bella Elvira
viver non posso, oh Dio!
e pur crudo destin per mio tormento
or mi condanna a pascolar l’armento.
Ma qual da lungi ammira
non distinta beltade
il guardo mio Pastorella che viene?
Temo d’errar, mi perdo,
corro, mi fermo, rido,
e sospiro ad un,
ardo, gelo, contento e tormentato.
Mi sembra alla divisa,
non mi par al sembiante;
deh per pietade Amor, amico Cielo
sciogli dal mio bel sol la nube, il velo.
Augelletti, voi col canto
queste selve impreziosite,
ed io posso sol col pianto
consolare il mio dolor.
Fate voi che dolce incanto
con amor o con pietade
chiami al bosco il mio tesor
Allegrezza, mio core,
ch’aI fin giunse alla meta
I’avida mia pupilla:
ti riconosco, o bella,
ti riveggo, mio bene,
t’abbraccio, Pastorella.
Perdona o cara a’miei sospesi affetti
perché errante Pastor veder non suole
tra queste ombrose frondi aperto il sole.
Mi stringerai sì, sì,
non partirai più no.
Bella ti rapirò
se il cor non cede.
Avvinto al tuo bel sen
ti giuro amato ben
che mai ti mancherò d’amor a fede.
Far from the lovely face
of my beautiful Elvira
I cannot live, alas!
And yet cruel destiny to torment me
condemns me now to tend my flocks.
But what is this beauty
dimly meeting my gaze from afar,
is my shepherdess coming?
I fear I am mistaken, I’m lost,
I run, I stop, I smile,
I sigh, all at once,
I burn, I freeze, happy and tormented.
It seems to be she – by her dress
but not by her face;
Ah, for pity’s sake, Love, kindly Heaven,
take this cloud from my beautiful sun.
Little birds, you with your song
adorn these woods,
and I can only weep
to ease my grief.
Let your sweet spells,
with love or with pity,
call to the woods my treasure.
Be cheerful, my heart!
at last my eager eye
sees what it seeks:
it’s you, my love,
I see you again, my dear,
I embrace you, my Shepherdess.
My dear, forgive my suspicious fears –
a wandering Shepherd does not oft see
the full sunlight in these shadowy groves.
You’ll embrace me, yes, yes,
you won’t leave, no.
My beauty, I will take you away
if your heart does not yield.
Held fast in your lovely bosom
I swear to you, my dear love,
that I’ll never fail you in love or fidelity.