The H+H Chorus:
A Renowned Chorus in Boston
Learn more about "Boston's best professional chorus" (—The Boston Musical Intelligencer).
Reviews of the H+H Chorus
“The Handel and Haydn Society’s chorus is one of the city’s musical crown jewels.”
— The Arts Fuse
“The choral singing was balanced, brilliant, and full of expression.”
— The Boston Musical Intelligencer
“Boston’s best professional chorus.”
— The Boston Musical Intelligencer
“H+H’s gem of a chorus…makes a truly glorious noise.”
— The Boston Musical Intelligencer
“The clear harmonies of the H+H Chorus shone.”
— The Boston Globe
“The star here was the Handel and Haydn Society Chorus, from Boston.”
— The New York Times
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Members of the H+H Chorus
Elissa Alvarez
Jessica Cooper
Agnes Coakley Cox
Carley DeFranco
Cassandra Extavour
Elise Groves
Rose Lewis
Elisabeth Marshall
MaryRuth Miller
Margot Rood
Janet Ross
Sonja DuToit Tengblad
Logan Trotter
Sarah Yanovitch Vitale
Teresa Wakim
Cody Bowers
Julia Cavallaro
Wee Kiat Chia
Doug Dodson
Elizabeth Eschen
Katherine Growdon
Catherine Hedberg
Kim Leeds
Miranda Loud
Emily Marvosh
Clare McNamara
Ashley Mulcahy
Caroline Olsen
Lindsay Pope
Jonas Budris
Colin Campbell
Marcio de Oliveira
Ethan DePuy
Eric Christopher Perry
Stefan Reed
Steven Soph
Gene Stenger
Patrick T. Waters
Steven Caldicott Wilson
Glenn Billingsley
Ryne Cherry
Jacob Cooper
Bradford Gleim
Scott Allen Jarrett
Craig Juricka
David McFerrin
Dana Whiteside
The H+H Chorus is funded in perpetuity by Jane and Wat Tyler
The H+H Chorus is supported in part by the Cabot Fund for Chorus Leadership, endowed in perpetuity in memory of Ned Cabot